Laparoscopy in disorders of sex development: Diagnostic and therapeutic implications




Disorders of Sex Development, laparoscopy, pseudohermaphrodite


Disorders of Sex Development (DSD) comprise a broad spectrum of hormonal, chromosomal, and metabolic abnormalities that result in abnormal genital development. Every aspect of DSD, starting from diagnosis to treatment, is a challenge to the clinician. Standard evaluation with karyotyping, hormonal assays, and imaging may not be sufficient to categorize the type of DSD, due to overlapping clinical presentation across the spectrum. Laparoscopic visualization provides an accurate picture of the gross morphology of the gonads and the mullerian structures. Laparoscopy also serves as a tool for therapeutic intervention, while ensuring maximal cosmesis. Herein we aim to discuss the role of laparoscopy as a preferred diagnostic and therapeutic modality in DSD patients.


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Author Biographies

Dr Shailesh Solanki Solanki, Associate professor ,PGIMER, chandigarh

Associate professor ,PGIMER, chandigarh

Palak Singhai, Senior Resident, Department of Pediatric Surgery, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India

Senior Resident, Department of Pediatric Surgery, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India

Ravi Prakash Kanojia, Professor, Department of Pediatric Surgery, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India

Professor, Department of Pediatric Surgery, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India


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How to Cite

Solanki DSS, Singhai P, Kanojia RP. Laparoscopy in disorders of sex development: Diagnostic and therapeutic implications. J Pediatr Adolesc Surg [Internet]. 2023Dec.26 [cited 2025Jan.16];2(2). Available from:
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