Candida intermedia induced central line infection in an infant: A case report


  • Ali Alsarhan al jalila children's hospital
  • Hesham Obeidat Aljalila children's hospital



Central venous catheter, Staphylococcus aureus, Infection


Background: Central venous catheter (CVC) carries a risk of infection, particularly with prolonged use of antibiotics and parenteral nutrition (PN). The most common causative agent is Staphylococcus aureus but other bacteria and fungi can cause infection as well.

Case Presentation: This is a case of an 11-month-old male PN-dependent infant with a complex medical history who developed a fungal infection of the central line due to Candida intermedia. Despite displaying in-vitro sensitivity to Fluconazole, the infection ultimately required treatment with Caspofungin and the removal of the venous catheter for successful clearance and full recovery.

Conclusion: This case underscores the importance of tailoring treatment based on both anti-fungal sensitivity and clinical response, emphasizing the importance of CVC removal in achieving infection clearance


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How to Cite

Alsarhan A, Obeidat H. Candida intermedia induced central line infection in an infant: A case report. J Pediatr Adolesc Surg [Internet]. 2023Dec.8 [cited 2025Feb.12];2(2). Available from:
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