Human tail- a rare anatomical mystery: A case report


  • Asrar Ahmad
  • Masooma Hasnain Bangash
  • Irum Saleem



Lumbosacral, Coccygeal, Lipoma, Teratoma


Background: Human tails are rare entities and can be classified as true tails and pseudotails. True tails are composed of adipose tissue, connective tissue, muscles, vessels, nerves and mechanoreceptors whereas pseudotails may be an anomalous prolongation of the coccygeal vertebra, lipoma, teratoma, chondrodystrophy or parasitic fetus.

Case Report: A 3-month-old male baby had a tail like appendage since birth which was gradually increasing in size. After complete workup, an elective resection was done under general anesthesia. Postoperative recovery was uneventful.

Conclusion: Surgical excision of the tail is the ultimate and may be the only surgical intervention required in these patients.


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2020-06-16 — Updated on 2020-07-10

How to Cite

Ahmad A, Bangash MH, Saleem I. Human tail- a rare anatomical mystery: A case report. J Pediatr Adolesc Surg [Internet]. 2020Jul.10 [cited 2025Jan.16];1(1):44-6. Available from:
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